Sunday, October 21, 2007

Finally Jiu Zhai Valley here I come!

Will be away for 12 days to China Jiu Zhai Gou! Have been dreaming about this beautiful place! Will update more when I'm back in early Nov! See ya! :)


  1. Hi Andy,

    Enjoy your holiday! I am sure you will love that place :)

  2. Hello~~ love to read ur blog as i learn many new thigns each time without fail:)

    Update soon alright:D

  3. hi andy..

    i've very dull skin tone n dark ring eyes...

    How can i brighten up my face and what are the correct method with regards to the application of concealer? cos mine also turn out looking thick and ugly..

    btw.. i'm currently using Clinique liquid foundation and ettusais concealer.. thnks


  4. hi andy..

    i've very dull skin tone n dark ring eyes...

    How can i brighten up my face and what are the correct method with regards to the application of concealer? cos mine also turn out looking thick and ugly..

    btw.. i'm currently using Clinique liquid foundation and ettusais concealer.. thnks


  5. Hi Joey

    If you've dull skin which means yr dead skin cell area are too thick! Last time we used to use face scrub but there's better way as in using products with mild acid like AHA,BHA or vitamin C. U can take a look at my older post in June "About vitamin C from U-care".This will really help!
    As for applying makeup I like to used a makeup base first as most of the time this will help to brighten up the skin than follow by using very little foundation & concealer! Most of the Japanese brand have very good makeup base,e.g. Shiseido,Kose,Kanebo.

  6. thnks andy... u are the best :)

