Monday, November 5, 2007

My trip to China "九寨沟,黄龙,四姑娘山"!


  1. hi andy,
    im' a 17 year old girl, named shina.
    my face is combination, however my cheeks, my chin, T-zone and sides of my cheeks are having pimples.

    especially those on the forehead, they have been over there for years!!! i tried lots of cleanser but there's no use. and i wash my face 2 times a day.
    please help me!!!

    here's the picture of my problem, please do not be scare by it.

  2. Hi Shina

    Not to worry! Some girls & boys will have this type of skin problem during this ages! Just make sure not to squeese them,cleansing yr face twice a day is ok,also avoid oily food,take more vegetable,fruits,drink lots of water & if's getting worst than you may consider consulting a skin doctor....they usually will give you some cream or gel to help reduce the pimples! Take care!:)
    Also try not to used too much cosmetic at this moment as they may get worst!

  3. thank you so much andy!!! :)

  4. hi andy, most of the facial salons ive been to does squeezing of the white heads/black heads/whatever.

    do u think this's right?

  5. Hi

    Yes most of the facial salon do squeezing the white/black heads but it also depend on whether they do it correctly? Some using the facial suction machine but some using their finger! But also depend on how yr skin re-act to this? Also whether they do it hygenicaly? But as I do mention nows day you don't really need to squeeze them if you're using some mild acid skin care product daily they'll come off by it self day by day! By squeezing it only help to clear the white/black heads at the moment but after squeezing the open pores are still there & the next few days will come back again right? By using those mild acid skin care products like"Differin" adapalene gel daily or products that've "Retinno" etc will help to dissolve the dead skin area hence will also help to reduce all this white/black heads problem!

  6. hi Andy, I like all the pictures here. You mean it was snowing in Nov? I was also at 九寨沟 some years ago in Oct, and it was very hot then. After seeing your photos, I wish to go there again :)

  7. Hi

    Yes some part of the place was snowing before the day I arrived.:)
