Friday, December 7, 2007

开架式化妆品 让荷包大省特省!

圣诞佳节快来临,除了买东西送人或犒赏自己之外,你是不是也要开始stock take自己的化妆包包,看看需要填补什么化妆品呢?
谁说一定要到专柜去,才能够买到合用的化妆品?只要懂得选择,开架的化妆产品(Open shelf),也能够满足女生爱打扮的需求!而且,价钱非常大众化,能够让女生们在
但是面对琳琅满目的化妆产品,究竟我们该注意一些什么,才能够买到经济实惠的货品呢?这么多的唇蜜、粉底、睫毛膏… 大师Andy又有什么样的好介绍呢?

鸣谢:John Little @ Marina Square


  1. Andy, your skin look so good! I recently discovered your blog and hoping you will blog more often! I have learnt quite a number of things from you! PLEASE BLOG MORE OFTEN OKAY? I would like to ask you, you see.. Every foundation I used always get so cakey and grey, is there one that is proven not to be so cakey? I have oily skin! Please help me!!

  2. Thanks Vivi!

    If yr skin is really oily than maybe your skin's dead cell maybe rough/thick? Try to use skin care products that help to removed or soften this area more. Or else all foundation you apply will become cakey. The grey part is due to your oily skin that oxidizie faster. Maybe can try to use some oil controlling products before your foundation? The other thing maybe you can try using a oil control makeup base before your foundation. You can find them out in "John Little"beauty hall in Marina SQ.There's this ranges of makeup base for oily/open pore from "Sana" which I find them quite good & cheap!

  3. Andy, I have benefitted a lot from your book and CD titled Star Licious. Love visiting your blog for all the useful and practical tips. If you are conducting any classes, I will surely sign up.

    Your friendly disposition and willingness to share is much appreciated! Have a great X'mas and may all things sweet and beautiful come your way always!

  4. Thank you dear friend! May you have a blessed X'mas & coming new year as well! Take care & be beautiful! :)

  5. Haha, I didn't realise that I did not sign off properly in my earlier message... I am Adeline Ho, Andy.. Pleased to have finally corresponded with you! Will be in touch in future with my queries! Thanks in advance..:-)

  6. Hi Andy,

    Just discovered your blog and your video at omy. It's great. :)
    I have some questions to ask hope you can answer my questions...
    1) I have freakles and combination skin. Which kind of foundation and concealor should I use?(really like to cover my freakles very much) Any brands from open shelf to recommend? (budget ard $100)
    2) Is the sequence correct -> Toner, whitening essence, Garnier light moisturizing lotion(SPF15), Garnier Dark Spot Corrector Pen(SPF15), sunscreen lotion SPF40. Do I need to add somemore?
    Thank you in advance for answering my questions.

