Saturday, May 3, 2008


曾被邀请上过u频道第一缉的“女人香”,介绍了韩国火红的BB cream!
很多时后当我们这些被“邀请”的嘉宾上节目时,是免费的!一分钱 也没有!可能电视台会认为他们可是为你”宣传“! 当然我们是非常感激!但,必竟我们也得付出我们最好的一面和努力!


上星期很荣兴的,我又被邀请上这个节目,但制做单位要我向各大化妆品牌“借”最新一季的口红,因为这期的主题是“柔美女性”。说老实的,要我向各大化妆品牌借东西是没问题的,只是制做单位在上星期五才通知我,而节目又是在来临的星期五开拍,要知道各大化妆品牌星期六和星期天office是没开的,而刚好这星期四又是捞动节,我只能在星期一才能联络各大化妆品牌,而他们也得要有时间送化妆品来才行,并且,并不是每个化妆品牌最新一季的产品都到新加坡了,  刚好我星期一和二又忙。
最后的办法就是向百货公司借,但是百货公司通常还没有最新一季的化妆品,我只好另想法子,兴亏我知道百货公司有最近欧美流行的“矿物化妆品Mineral makeup”,因此我就建议制做单位,这缉的“柔美女性”就介绍“矿物化妆品Mineral makeup”好吗?

很高兴的制做单位答应了,但问题又来了,百货公司要求电视台能否在节目播出时,公布“化妆品是百货公司提供的?电视台制做单位回应说只能在节目尾端放所为的"rolling credit",并且也只能公布百货公司的名字,而不能说“化妆品由百货公司提供”,并且还说他们从来没有这样的惯例。我心在想,这个节目都在介绍不同的东西,理应帮忙通融通融嘛!他们在制做节目的时后,有没 有想到,我们所付出的时间,精神和努力的想把节目做得更好呢?



  1. not to worry Andy...I am in the entertainment industry too & at many times cannot stand how inflexible & foolish some people at mediacorp can be. I rather you introduce good products on your own blog instead of wasting time on people like them. Andy Jia You!

  2. Hello andy, i am just a passerby that will view your blog often to check out new makeup products. Just wan to say i really love the makeup you did for a ger in fann wong show. from than i notice your art work and i love it. Good luck everything you do.All the best.

    Your makeup work Rocks

  3. Thank you very much! All your supports are the major reason for me to work harder! Thanks a million from the bottom of my heart! :)

  4. my dear its me ak. u know that no matter what, we will stand by u!
    u r our makeup 掌門人! :) xoxoxo

    come to my blog when u r free ;)

    c u soon!

  5. Hi Andy

    Your views are real and objective. It is an unfortunate scenario not just in entertainment industry but cuts across major verticals and in Singapore generally.

    I enjoy the shows made in Taiwan cos to a great extent, they reflect the bandwidth and depth of a particular topic on hand.

    And in Singapore, I have only followed your blog ardently to get the same level of professional and objective views.

    Keep your radiant smile Andy. YOU HAVE MADE A WONDERFUL DIFFERENCE!

  6. Andy...i'll always support you!!

    You have always given nothing but frank views which is very important to all of us.



  7. Hey Andy, saw on 24th April the day after the Milani Workshop in MAC counter Isetan Scotts! Was really surprised to see yout there! Too bad I didn't have my Starlicious book with me or u could have autographed it for me :)

    Was really sad that I couldn't attend the Milani workshop cos I saw your entry after the registration period.

    I checked out Milani Products yesterday. So happy that it's finally here in Singapore! Now can personally swatch the colours on myself before buying :)

    Anyway, just remember that your supporters are all here! Btw, can u feature more great Taiwan/Japanese drugstore buys? Also products featured in 女人我最大. Thanks!

  8. Dear Winnie & Beauty addict

    Thank you very much! Will try my best to help all of you! 非常感谢大家的鼓励与支持,我会好好努力!
