Fashionflower Eye Shadow- Fresh Daisy (Frosty white yellow), Aqua (Aqua blue),Lucky Green (Frosted midtone lime), Free To Be (Bright true coral) and Groundcover (Midtone warm grey).
Get a cultivated connection to the greenhouse and the fashion house with daisy-debossed Eye Shadows in scintillating summer shades perfect for every budding beauty!
Fashionflower Beauty Powder - Light Sunshine(Pastel neutral pink with soft gold and pink sparkles) and Alpha Girl(Soft peachy pink with gold nuances).
Unfolding and flourishing, perennial prima donnas embrace the Growing Trend of faces lightly dusted with daisy-debossed Beauty Powder.
Studio Fix Boldblack Lash
Fashionflower girls' confidence stems from petal-light lashes that sprout dramatically with a new Mascara that's intensely carbon. A high-coverage, long-lasting formula matched with a molded brush. Get lashes that are blacker than black!
Penultimate Eye Liner
A liquid pen-style liner that provides the ultimate precise, bold line in a rich, deep carbon black shade. Goes on fluidly, in one steady stroke, to style any fashion of eye line.
Lipstick- Mlle(light white pink),Summer Shower(Light aqua),Growing Trend(Midtone taupe nude) and Ever Hip(Bright creamy coral).
Colour plus texture for the lips. Stands out on the runway. Simmers on the street! What made M·A·C famous.
Lipgelee- Fashionflower(Pale pink), Now In Season(Pale yellow) and Budding Beauty(Pale coral).
A soft jelly-textured glosser for the lips. Fab to apply. Squeezes on. Distributes evenly and easily via its special slanted tip. Moisturizes and conditions the lips - saps them up! Makes them look wet, shiny, super-lush! Comes in a wide range of sheer, soft tints!
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