Idea from the autumn/winter evening's moon light that shine on skins! Looks like jewels- lots of shimmer,metalic bronze, silver & gold.
Things to take note:
As the whole look is more shimmer, so for people with puffy eyes should take note as to used a matte brown color eye shadow as eye base than follow by applying those shimmer color around the centre of eye lid,inner corner of eyes & brow bone areas.
Emphasie on eye liner & lashes that helps to bring out the look.
Using peach color for cheek, shimmer gold on T-zone area & finally with a nude color lips.

(1)在眼盖部位先涂上褐色眼影,这将能减低眼皮浮肿。Using matte brown on eye lid to cut down the puffiness.

(2)在接近眼睫毛部位涂上灰色眼影,并且加深眼尾部位,使眼睛更有立体感。Apply dark grey shadow near lash line area.

(3)眼下部位,由眼尾至眼部中央涂上同样的灰色眼影。Using the same dark grey on outer lower eyes.

(4)在眼盖中央涂上珍珠色眼影。Apply pearl color at centre of eye lid.

(5)以同样的珍珠色涂在眉骨部位。Same pearl color on brow bone.

(6)带金属亮粉的眼影加在整个眼盖部位。Dust on shimmer gold/silver shadow powder over the whole eye lids.

(7)同样的金属亮粉的眼影涂在下眼头部位。Using the same shimmer colors at front corner of eyes.

(8)应用黑色眼线笔描画上眼线。Apply black eye liner.

(9)再以同样的黑色眼线笔,由下眼尾描画至眼中。The same black liner at lower eyes from out to inwards.

(10)将睫毛夹翘。Curl lashes.

(11)在下眼睫毛刷上睫毛膏。Brush on mascara on lower lashes.

(12)也在上睫毛刷上睫毛膏。Brush on mascara on upper lashes.

(13)在加上假睫毛。Add on fake lashes.

(14)以棕褐色眉粉描画眉毛。 Brush on brown color tone eye brows.

(15)腮红以自然的桃色为主,捎在脸颊笑肌部位。Apply peach color on apple of cheeks.

(16)最后涂上带珍珠色泽的裸色唇彩。Apply pearly nude lip gloss.

Photography:Ruth Soh
Model:Jessica Lee
Text,Makeup & Hair:Andy Lee